Friday, June 4, 2021

Review: Once & Future, Vol. 1: The King is Undead

Once & Future, Vol. 1: The King is UndeadOnce & Future, Vol. 1: The King is Undead by Kieron Gillen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm so glad that one of my book clubs had this as a reading choice for this month, because it hadn't been on my radar before now.

What if King Arthur were to come back, but not to unite the country (or the world) but to destroy it? And what if a young man, who had always been told by his gran that all those fantasies weren't real, found out that she had spent most of her life fighting those same stories? And what if that young man was now the key to making sure that Arthur doesn't make it back into this world?

I devoured both this, the first volume of the comic series, and the second, in a night because I was so caught up in it. It reminded me very much of Seanan Maguire's Indexing series, in that people are born to start taking on the aspects of people from historic fiction (Arthurian Legend, Beowolf, etc) and if things aren't stopped and the stories come to conclusion, then the world is in for a whole lot of hurt.

The characters are all very engaging and believable. Duncan's confusion at this grandmother he never expected existed, Bridgette's (Bridgette is his gran) spunk and instance that he can do this all while trying to hide it from the people in her Old Age home, Rose turning from bad first date to an integral part of their little team all made me want to root for them even more. It is interesting to see the origin of all of this group and why they are who they are. (I don't want to give away too much in terms of spoilers.) Arthur feels a bit flat and I didn't care as much for Elaine in the first book, but overall it was just a wonderfully enjoyable story that I'm looking forward to talking about and looking forward to rereading.

This volume covers issues #1-6. My review for the second volume is here/

View all my reviews

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